This website is now static html, I have no time to write anything and Wordpress has more security holes than a Swiss cheese, and so the migthy wget -m replaced the ugly php. For sure there will be problems with this new version, but that is life.
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Se vuoi essere alla moda ed avere un blog tutto tuo mi permetto di consigliarti dreamhost, se usi il codice DAT hai pure lo sconto (dettagli).

Multi linguel Person

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

Hi main name is Daniel im 31 yer old and live in Dublin ,i spek France, German Italian and Engliche i have foul B C draiving licence and i viling t do eni draiving job o can contact me on 087******** Tanks

con foto su

rocky road to dublin

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

non credete alle guide turistiche, sono menzoniere, leo burdock e il suo merluzzo fritto condito con aceto sono in realtà orrendi, peggio ancora del cider in lattina.

la guinness invece non delude mai …

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